What is the Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Child?

Becoming a fully conscious parent is the GREATEST gift you can give your child!

Take the enneagram assessment to discover your enneagram type and parenting style.

It gives you deeper insight into how and WHY your personality developed.

It acts as guide to show you what is motivating your behaviors, HOW you approach conflict, and what happens to you when you are stressed.

It gives you deeper insight into how and WHY your personality developed.

Take the Parenting Personality Assessment Today!

Taking our Parenting Personality Assessment, based on the Enneagram, a universal personality model, will lead to a more positive connection and deeper understanding of your child!

Please call 770- 756- 7013 for more information.

Cognitive,Personality, Parenting Style Assessments is typically covered by most insurance. Our insurance biller will help you with your insurance coverage.